So I had the most exhausting, whirlwind of a day yesterday. I woke up at 4 AM, got ready and left around 5:15 AM for a 7:30 AM flight from NJ to Denver. Plane arrived early and I took a taxi to C.CR.M. Checked in and inquired about the H1N1 vaccine, which they still had. Normally I don't think much of vaccines but this time I felt apprehensive about it. But I decided to go with the "Sch.oolc.ra.ft law" of all pregnant or planning to be pregnant patients to receive the vaccine. Had I been pregnant, I don't know if I would have gotten it or not. But it went fine - serum stung!
Then the fun part. I met a fellow blogger! The very lovely Me is cycling and was sweet enough to pick me up at C.CR.M for lunch. We both bitched about gaining weight after years of hormones and crap. She is tall and slender and I looked like a watermelon with legs by her side :(
We grabbed lunch and a table at Panera and talked and talked. She's a hoot but super smart - like, intimidating smart. You know, the kind of person who would actually know what MTHFR stands for and what it does in its most basic scientific sense - even though she's not positive for the gene mutation. I sat there as I usually do in the company of highly intelligent people - in awe. Stop by and wish her well - that her ovaries produce a strong crop of healthy little babies she can raise some day soon. (and thanks again my friend!)
After lunch came my C.CR.M appointments. I had the ultrasound and an update on my infectious disease blood panel and then met with S.ur.rey for the hysteroscopy. My fear of having scar tissue had been so heightened that all I could process was extreme gratitude that I had "no scar tissue at all." But....yeah, there's a but. I had a polyp removed over 2 years ago. Well, now it's back - with its brother. So I have to have them removed prior to transfer. S.ur.rey said I did not have to return to have it done - to have it done locally as long as I'm comfortable with the surgeon, etc. but at this point, I just want this prep stuff to be out of the way. I called him today, as he asked, but he didn't return my call (Ugh!) because there may be a slight chance he's in early next week and can do the surgery. Otherwise, I'd have to wait until next month, during specific days in my cycle to have it done. At least my insurance covers all of it (I checked) so it's just the flight (again) but thanks to mileage points, I'm good there. And a car rental and hotel for a couple of days.
Crossing fingers I sync up with S.ur.rey tomorrow and we can hook up for early next week. Otherwise, it'll have to be next month and I just don't want to sweat it out one way or the other.
And word to the wise for those of you who ever consider taxi service to/from airport and C.CR.M - DON'T! I am in NYC at least a couple days a month for meetings and TRUST ME that the cost of cabs in the city are a drop in the proverbial bucket next to the cost of cabs in friggen Colorado. $80 each way plus a tip! I could have rented (and should have) a car for the day at a fraction of the price. CRAZY!
You're too kind to me. I'm not that smart - I've just been reading IF crap for too long! LOL!
I had the same experience RE rental car vs cab when I was in upstate New York a little while ago. The cab ride was around 45 minutes - the fare was around $75+tip. I could have rented a car for $50. But I didn't realize it would be so much! Live and learn!
Sorry about having to have the polyps removed. If it's not one thing, it's another. *sigh*
Oh the polyps. I hate 'em. I hope the removal goes smoothly--actually, the last time CCRM told me I had polyp that needed to be removed the surgeon couldn't find ANYTHING, after rooting around forever. Nice, eh?
That's cool you met "Me"!!
How great that you met "me"! I love meeting the people we've been "friends" with for so long online!
But, sorry to hear about the polyps! I think it is a great idea to have CCRM do the surgery. Since all of this IF stuff started, I am scared to have anyone do anything in there in case of scarring, etc. Not to mention, like DAVs said, the docs at CCR.M seem to see things that noone else does (like my mysterious fibroid that NOONE else has ever mentioned). So, better that they find it and do the removal themselves. I hope you get in touch with him today.
Dang about the polyps! I so hate "surprises" like that. So glad you met Me. No not me, but I would love to meet you. I lost your e-mail address. Mine is phoebephoenixtales(at)gmail(dot)com I'm around next week, if you know what I mean ;)
Hey Phoebe, I don't think I know what you mean, "you're around next week?"
I thought you were local. Hmm...okay, I'm sure I missed something there.
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