
NT Scan (12w6d) - Baby Marcel

First and foremost: It's alive! Whew! Heartbeat and all!

The NT measurement was between 1-2, which I was told is good. And I saw an arm and leg darting around (very cute). My good friend's daughter is due 2 months before I am and when I received her NT scan u/s pic, the baby had the cutest profile ever. Looked like a little girl with the most adorable nose. Mine, on the other hand, looks like a sock monkey. Then the baby faced me and it looked like a little demon. Hey, I love my little one and was very happy to see him/her and that the reports were very good. But my friend "R" said I can just call the baby Marcel (which, for you "Frie.nd.s" fans, was the name of Ro.s.s's pet monkey. :)


Paige said...

I'm sure it's a very cute monkey in there. Congrats to you!

Kara's Mom said...

Great news on the excellent scan. And I'm sure it's an ADORABLE little monkey!

kayjay said...

Wonderful first scan! Congrats! As for the u/s, I felt like Rachael on Friends...where was the head? Is this an eye? so don't feel bad about thinking your kid looks a little strange at this point - blame it on the poor u/s technology!

Sue said...

Hehehe!!! Teagan's early scans were SCARY, so no worries...and, if I may say so myself, she is the cutest, chubbiest Gerber baby ever:-) But, I'm biased. So, your little one will be beeeeautiful!!! So happy for you!

Me said...

Is it sad I knew the reference as soon as you mentioned "sock monkey"?

Gille said...

That little sweetheart will be the cutest little sock monkey ever!

Kami said...

Yeah! Glad baby is alive and doing well.

lastchanceivf said...

You gotta post pics of the little demon baby! So glad he/she's growing and moving!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I love how you're calling the baby Marcel...too cute!

Lorraine said...

We call our little guy monkey - it does suit him, ears and all.

So glad things are going well! Keep it up, Marcel!

Bee Cee said...

And nicknames stick after they are born. We have carried on referring to our newborn son as Smidgen! Contests on yr pregnancy.