I like sticks with lines because they help me obsess over any line progression darkness.
The ones below - although super nice to see a "Yes+" and a "Pregnant" aren't as rewarding - 'cause they don't tell me HOW pregnant I am today vs. yesterday.
Then there are the Dollar Store sticks. Curse them! I hate them! I don't even know why I wasted a whole dollar on one! I think the baby has to be kicking to get a positive on those!
Okay, no - the truth is that I don't think the baby has to be kicking to see a line on these. Actually, I think you need a beta of like 50 to get a line. So, of course, there is my whole reason to worry. I worry that this year will be just like last year in more ways than just two lines on 4dp5dt. I worry that my nurse will call me with that sad voice of "well, you're pregnant but I won't lie to you, the beta is kind of low" (last year it was 15.5).
I've said it before and I'll say it again. We will all be crazy until AFTER the moment of our last failure (sometimes even longer than that). I can't help but relive the fear that I'm doomed to kill embryos a couple of days after implantation with some toxic goo my uterus produces! Stupid uterus! I only put in one, I didn't try to crowd you and upset you. Can't you be nice to the one?!
You'll be glad to know - I'm out of sticks now or, trust me, I would have also peed on the line ones 'cause that's the only way to know from a highly scientific standpoint (of course!) in my central NJ kitchen whether or not my beta is rising. HA!
I'm just so excited for you!! BTW, I continued to pee on sticks until 17dpo (the day of me beta), sometimes twice a day. Every day. I'm a true junkie, so I am loving the pee stick pictures!!!
Me beta? What am I, a freakin' pirate? Even my fat fingers are excited for you!
there are so many stressful moments in this process, tis being one of them. here's hoping your lines et s strong that they pink out the window!!
wishing you happiness!!
You have to keep in mind that you are peeing pretty darn early. I got SNOW WHITE on both day 6 and 8. Not even the faintest line. And I'm an Art Director with eagle eyes, if there was something there, I would have found it. And here I am at 17 weeks. Go ahead and pee, but don't torture yourself over those results. Your HCG is just beginning to rise, IMO, and that is why the lines aren't darker yet. You are pregnant for now - focus on that and try to keep those thoughts of doom out of your head. Many a woman who's had a BFN has gone right on to have a BFP. No reason why that can't happen to you, too.
When's your first beta? Day 9?
Yeap, first beta is Monday.
I know it'll be positive - I just hope it's a good number (and not something in the teens again). :)
The peeing is always amateur - it's nice to see it get darker, but the sensitivities of the sticks vary so much that you might as well wait for the betas. It's just fantastic that you know there's a line at all!
I SEE LINES!!!!! Oh how exciting!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck w/ the beta. I have everything crossed... double crossed for you!
Exciting!!!! Great news indeed!!!
Wohoo! It's all looking good. I know what you mean . . . you won't trust it until it is at least past that point where the last one went wrong.
I can't believe you are out of pee sticks!!
And my only test was on a dollar store test. Hmmmm . . .
I thought consumer reports said they really did test to their advertised 25 units which is what I thought FRER did. Obviously, I am wrong.
I am very, very hopeful for you!
WOOHOO!!! I am so happy for you! Congrats. I love those beautiful double lines.
You're doing swell, just hang in there!
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