
Hooked on Your Blog

My blog buddies are awesome. You ladies are part of an oh-so-important network of friends who not only encourage the rest of us going through infertility treatment but very much understand. When you say, "Sky, I know how you feel," it's completely true!

I want to thank the lovely Lorraine, who is a fellow senior citizen (over 40 girlie) on a baby quest. :) And the great news is that Lorraine just learned she's pregnant with a little munchkin who's got one strong heartbeat and is measuring on target! Every time I read her posts I think, Hey, maybe I could just do an IVF with my own eggs at CCRM (and save a BUNCH of money!) and I'll be successful like Lorraine - then I snap the hell out of it and remember that my FSH was 22 in May and no clinic worth their salt will touch my eggs (rightfully so - why risk their stats and my money in the likelihood of an abysmal failure).

But I love hearing about other fortysomethings who've had success with their own eggs. Maybe it helps me feel not so old and also helps decrease the chances of others asking me the egg question when I'm pregnant 'cause I'm sure not going to offer it up. ;)

Well, I'll do my duty and pass this cool distinction foward to my CCRM buddies Jill who just got a BFP (WOO HOO!) and to Nikki who's been through so much already and I'm wishing her a great cycle that ends in diaper changes 9 months later!

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