
9mm Triple Stripe


I was a little worried after the D&C in August because the only two lining checks I've had since then have been low (6mm). Granted, my cycles were completely screwed up for a while and crazy long.

My transfer isn't for 2 weeks yet (2/1) so I don't know if I'll be good to wait that long but I'm good to do whatever C.CR.M wants at this point.


Me said...

Hey baby - nice lining!


I opened your gift this morning. It made me cry happy tears.

sprogblogger said...

Fantastic lining! Fingers crossed that it's a good sign of good things to come!

lastchanceivf said...

Yay for cooperative linings!!

Sue said...

That sounds perfect! Don't worry too much about it growing alot. The nurses said that some people hit a number and stay there or the growth of the lining really slows down. I had the same fears...so, everything sounds great to me!

Riley said...

Sounds perfect! I hope everything else goes as well. Congrats on the lining !

kayjay said...

Go lining go! Glad to hear that things are back on track for you as I know you were saying how screwy your cycles were after the D&C.

onwardandsideways said...

That is a perfect lining! And don't worry, the meds will keep you at that until you're ready to go.

So excited for you!

Jem said...

Looking good! 9mm is AWESOME!

Phoebe said...

Game on! See you at a mile high!

Anonymous said...

yay!!! perfect lining!

Lorraine said...

Only two weeks! Woo-hoo!

maxandzuzu said...

I understand your concerns because of what you've been through in the past. If it's really weighing on your mind maybe you should call them with your concerns. Remember, your paying them. This is a long process to go through from beginning to end with the shots, appointments,etc. Don't be afraid to express your fears to the doctors.

Good luck!