
VERY worth noting!

This is really an add-on to my prior post. One thing that ticks me off is that, despite the fact that I always told C.CR.M I would transfer one on the fresh and they knew I was a single woman interested in only one child, they froze all of my embryos in straws of two.

So what does that mean? That I have to thaw TWO each time and re-freeze one. Well, I know vitrification is the cat's meow and everything but it's still not advisible to freeze/thaw/re-freeze/thaw, you know?! In fact, I asked Dr. S.ur.rey if it would be wise of me to thaw them all, do CGH, re-freeze and then do eSET's with the chromosomally sound embryos. His reply was that we could do that but it's better to do that freeze/thaw/re-freeze/thaw as least as possible. So WTF didn't they just freeze in single straws?

Between that and the lack of infertility coverage, I feel as though I'm having to weigh moral decisions against equally real financial decisions. In other words - and let me just lay it out there - emotional cost of reduction against financial cost of several FET's. One of those options could leave me without options and I'll give you a hint I'm talking about the green one!

I'm just pissed about the outside elements that have pushed me between a rock and a hard place.


Me said...

Um, yeah, I would be LIVID about that.

Mo said...

Ugh. How very, very upsetting.


Jem said...

I understand your anger.

Do you get charged extra for each re-thaw? Maybe you can get them to do that for free, as you were clear with your wishes.

Maybe they figured you might want to transfer two, as the odds of multiples is so low.

Paige said...

I'm sitting here pissed on your behalf. Why would they freeze them like that? How very ignorant. Single or not, I'm sure many couples wouldn't want the embies frozen like that either.

Bandster said...

Aw that is hard. But the odds of multiples is low, even with transferring two - I'd go for the two, if it was me, which of course it isn't, so I should shut up.

Hope things work out for you soon.


Rebecca said...

I hear you. Our first clinic froze in straws of 2 as well, even though we specifically told them we didn't want that because we wanted the option of transferring odd numbers. I don't know why they do that.

Lost in Space said...

That would piss me off too, especially because they know you want to do a single transfer...

Phoebe said...

I can't believe they did that!! CC.RM makes a big deal about how hard twins can be, so why would they freeze them in twos? I've been in your shoes in a different way with the whole fertility treatment thing, and it sucks beyond belief. Sitting here fuming for you!

Kami said...

Oh, that is frustrating. You would think they would have thought it through and frozen one at a time. I suppose it would make sense pre-vitrification if only around 1/2 the embryos survived the thaw. Now it seems they should rethink what they do.

Mo said...

Really frustrating for you. Based on this post, I asked them if mine, just frozen last week, are in single straws or together and they said they are frozen in single straws. maybe because it's microarray they do it differently? but geesh, would have been nice for you.


Rosie said...

I hear you! Sometimes I just want to bang my head on the wall when I see how out of touch doctors and medical systems are with their clients. Especially, in the baby business. Its such a sensitive situation, and our state of mind is a large component. Also, we EMPLOY them for goodness sake!

Sky said...

Mo & Will - yes, testing of any kind makes the difference in two or one-to-a-straw. Once they test the embryos, they MUST freeze them individually so as to know which are which. But if they're not tested, they'll put 2 in a straw to freeze. Ugh!

B and K said...

Sky -- I can't believe that. What the heck? Your eggs, your basket, your call. I guess I didn't run into this at CCRM because we did the testing. Uggghhh. Mad for you!

P.S. Thanks for posting and cheering me on at my blog. My lining is being difficult again, but I am trying to keep the chin up. Am going to do a new post today with all the gritty details.