
Home Free!

I must have some nerve stating that, but I'm going to go out on a limb and feel confident now.

I don't know how other women do it but I had milestones on my calendar. Something like this:

-20 Weeks - half way there!
-28 Weeks - semi safe zone (can breathe a bit easier)
-30 Weeks - minimum delivery date I can feel good with
-32 Weeks - still NICU but healthy baby would result
-34 Weeks - maybe NICU but very confident about healthy baby
-35 Weeks - HOME FREE!

And tomorrow is Home Free!

Now, do I think nothing can go wrong? HELL NO! I'm too cautious and realistic to live in a cloud, but I do think the odds are definitely in my favor - especially that the little monkey measures almost 2 weeks ahead (just a big baby) and my uterine arteries are good - no notching (some studies suggest the opposite of my results indicate pre-eclampsia in your future).

Mostly good news. But I see the doctor every week now and my blood pressure is a concern. I've been diagnosed with "Borderline" Pregnancy Induced Hypertension and my physical complaints are nearly endless. But I've made it to 35 weeks so I have MUCH to be thankful for.

The worst time, psychologically, was during weeks 23-28. I desperately feared anything that would necessitate delivery because I was terrified of the outcome - a micro preemie with a dozen serious health conditions and many more I'd learn of later - and how would I handle that as a single parent? How does anyone handle that, even with tons of help? 28 weeks was a real reason for me to feel safer. And I also figured they could keep me in the hospital and try to get 2 more weeks out of me. But none of those worries came to pass - thank the universe!

Frankly, I'd be surprised if I didn't deliver in the next 2 weeks because of the blood pressure crap going on and my general well-being, or lack thereof. And this would be fine by me. I'm ready.

Rest assured I will publish the birth story, post a pic and not hold anything back! ;)

So I'll sign off with a very sincere wish for you all to have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your friends and family and much health and fertility wishes to all!


Paige said...

I'm sighing a breath of relief for you. So much to look forward to. Can't wait to read your birth story.

Gille said...

Yay! I am so excited for you. I can understand the 23-28 period. Preterm labor terrifies me but luckily you're over that hump and home free! Congrats on meeting your baby so soon!

lastchanceivf said...

Yay you are SO CLOSE!! Can't wait to hear about all the details!!!

kayjay said...

Oooh - the promise of gory details! I hope everything goes really well for you and that you get to meet your little one when the time is right! Hang in there - you'll miss being pregnant the second you deliver...I promise, even with all of your physical complaints!

Eb said...

so close and yes! home free. Waiting with baited breath!!!

Riley said...

Wow - hard to believe you are that far along. I'm so glad to hear that things are going well. Congrats for making it to Home Free. I still struggle with believing that all this IVF stuff actually works for some people. Glad it worked out for you.

Lorraine said...

Yeehah! This is so exciting! I can't wait to hear the low-down! Sending oodles of good thoughts your way.

Kami said...

Wohoo!!! I am looking forward to your next post - likely after the birth. :)

Kami said...

I can't help but think you have a baby in your arms now. I hope that is the case and all is well.