
Hemorrhaging (TMI Post - be forewarned)

...And I couldn't be happier. What a nightmare since the D&C! Most people would be fine but with my hyper-worry personality, I suck!

D&C on 8/14
Period on 9/20 (two days, sort of full flow - seemingly on track)

Then...nothing! Nothing until the teeniest spots two weeks ago and then nothing again. That's it! I thought, I'm done, screwed and game over. Convinced I had severe scar tissue. The dreaded Asherman's Syndrome!

Dr. Surrey finally prescribed 2cc's PIO which I injected on October 30th. Then I waited...and waited...and waited. I was beyond upset. Now it was confirmed. Severe Asherman's - a known complication of a D&C which is, potentially, catastrophic and - UNFORTUNATELY - rarely mentioned!

Then last Friday (one full week after PIO shot), I had a drop of red. Then another. Then gone. What a nasty tease. Worse actually. This meant my cervix wasn't scarred as something was coming out but obviously my uterus was annihilated with scar tissue so there was nothing to shed.

Saturday, few spots. Sunday, enough for a panty liner but nothing more. Monday a pad - woo hoo. I thought, well, maybe the scarring isn't really awful.

Then Tuesday morning I woke to a saturated overnight Always pad with wings. During the day, I was bleeding so heavily through another pad and then through a Super Plus tampon and into my pants. Heavy today as well. I wanted to hang the bloody pants in celebration!

So, I went from absolutely certain I had the most severe case of incurable uterine obliteration to thinking, hey, I think I'm fine.

Yes, I'm profoundly grateful for a great outcome (which I have more faith in now) but I really wish I could STOP hopping on the crazy mobile the instant my brain imagines any potential tragedy, however remote. And this is on 50 mg/day of Zoloft!

Tuesday I fly to Denver before dawn for an ultrasound and hysteroscopy with Surrey and infectious disease blood panel update and back home to NJ same day. Whirlwind! Wish me luck girls. :)


kayjay said...

Good luck Sky! How scary with that amount of bleeding. Our bodies go through so much and I think that it does take a while for things to get back on track and into their own natural rhythm again so go easy on yourself. I did the 1 day trip too by myself (to and from Toronto in the same day) and it was a LOOOOONG day so I hope your travel goes smoothly. Keep us updated.

Sue said...

I had a similar thing (and the same unfortunate brain patterns) after my D&C in December. I didn't go as long as you...so I totally get your worry, I was freaking out after AF being a week or two late and then light! Then the real AF showed up!!! First I worried things were very late and then I worried about how much I bled. Ugh. And, I'm learning, the worry never ends!

So happy you are starting on your journey!

DAVs said...

Hooray for bleeding and no ASHERMAN's yikes. You're right--they rarely mention that as a potential side effect. Good luck good luck good luck with Dr. S--can't wait to hear your update!

Riley said...

Those PIO shots really do the trick when it comes to AF. I'm so glad it worked for you! I think the crazy insane worrying just comes with the territory. I'm in the middle of a crazy worrying spell right now - and it sucks! Good luck with your trip.

Me said...

I shall be there on Tuesday for u/s and b/w. Can I interest you in having lunch?

Lorraine said...

So odd to be happy for somebody's soaked wing-pad - but I am!

Getting back on a seemingly-regular schedule took my body a while after each D&C - and only after the big awful D&E was I prescribed premarin to guard against scar tissue. Why isn't that standard? Ashermans's seems like such a disastrous risk to take with anyone in infertility treatment!

Hope it all goes well with your whirlwind day!

Kara's Mom said...

It's really good to see that you're posting again. I've been worried about you.
I had the same severe bleeding about a year ago - unbelievable. SO glad you are doing well. Good luck on Tues.

Phoebe said...

Oh man, what drama! I'm glad it all worked out!

I so wish I could join the party on Tuesday, but I don't think I can get away from work. I hope to catch you on your next trip.

BTW, my blog has moved. Please join me at my new blog:

Tales of the Phoenix

Drop me an e-mail and I'll send you the password.

Me said...

You know I will come pick your a$$ up at the airport and drive you to CCRM, right. I don't wanna be pushy and if I am violating the internet anonymity laws then just tell me to back the f*ck up. But, we're there for 12 days and so we have a car. My appointment on Tuesday at 8:30 am. I could easily drive back up north to pick you up and we could do brunch before your appointment. :D

Anonymous said...

Hi! I stumbled upon your blog by accident. I was an egg donor this past July at CCRM. The procedure was successful (zero complications on my side... I produced 12 healthy and mature eggs) and I think I'd like to do it again. However, I am thinking I'd love to do it for a couple I get to meet, which isn't permitted through anon donation at CCRM. (You have to know the couple prior to being matched in order to meet.) It would just give a name and face to all the injections. :)

Anyway, this is probably a sensitive topic over your blog comments, but I'd love to chat via email, if you're up for it. (I couldn't find your email addy on your blog.) My email is...

this is katelynn (at) yahoo (dot) com

(No spaces or underscores. All one word... I just don't want the spammers picking it up!) :)

Sky said...

Hi Katelynn - first of all, I'd like to thank you for being an egg donor. It's certainly not an easy process - emotionally or physically - and you deserve some real praise for doing it with a good heart and for the intention that must seed wanting to know the couple in future. That would be so lovely for the children - to know their genetic connection in you.

I'm sure you weren't my egg donor as she produced a different amount of eggs but I'd LOVE to know who my egg donor was. So I could thank her and hug her some day - hopefully with a baby in my arms who would give her a great big hug too!

If you'd like to email me:
sky garrett (at) yahoo (dot) com

All one word - no spaces or underscores - just as yours is.

So if you'd like to chat, feel free to reach out.

Best wishes!