
My basket of eggs

I got the call from the embryologist at 9:30 AM ET. All I can say is that, so far, this donor has proven why she was an in-house "proven" and highly recommended donor.

-39 Eggs
-35 Mature eggs
-30 Fertilized w/ICSI

He said everything looks really good and he feels confident it'll be a 5-day transfer and that he'd be "very surprised" otherwise.

I'll get no call tomorrow, as the next time they check on them is Thursday.

This donor's cycle is almost identical to her last (Nov 08) when she produced 2 more eggs and 31 fertilized.

If it continues to go as her last cycle, I'd wind up with 2 blasts on Day 5 and more than a dozen in the freezer. Yeah, yeah, that's hoping for a lot but I'm going to be very positive here 'cause I got damned great news!

So you're all thinking right about now, Is Sky nuts? How many freaking kids does she want?! Uhhh, one in nine months and MAYBE - just MAYBE - one more in 2 years. THAT'S IT! That's my maximum limit.

However, I can't tell you how much it would tickle me pink to donate all of the remainning embryos (that would be 6/each for 2 other women/couples). I know how absolutely grateful and thankful I was to be given the opportunity I was last summer with the donor embryo transfer. True, it resulted in a chemical pregnancy but I am so thankful to that couple for what was TRULY a gift. My heart would swell with joy to give that same gift to another woman/couple - it would probably make me even happier than her/them! No one but another infertile woman knows how meaningful that is.


PS: I'm sitting in my office and my face got hot and flushed. HA! That's the PIO working baby! It happened to me last year too and, you know what, I love how I look with pink cheeks - so healthy! :)


Riley said...

Wooo hooo!! That is absolutely fantastic, amazing news! I am so happy for you - your donor is a super donor! I know this is all going to work out - you get your two babies and then you help two other couples realize their dreams of becoming parents - that would be so wonderful to be able to do that for someone else. Wow - so glad things are finally working out for you!!

Peeveme said...

I don't think your are being overly optimistic. That sounds like a pretty reasonable plan plus I love that you'd be donating the other embies to other women in need. Everybody wins!

onwardandsideways said...

I had a feeling it was going to be good. :D

Super happy for you, and I think you are going to have a wonderful cycle!!

Sue said...

Sky - that is incredible news!!! Now, practical matter, does CCRM vitrify all blasts now? If not, make sure you convince them to vitrify yours (thought I think they changed to all vitrification this winter).

How sweet of you to think of others too. We've discussed the same thing if we ever got lucky enough to make that many...alas, we have not...but I think it is wonderful!

You are going to have beautiful babies soon!

Sky said...

Sue, I wish they did vitrify all blasts but they don't. I talked with Dr. Surrey about this in January and he said no, that they only vitrify those that have undergone CGH testing because the'd be thawed within a couple of months and used vs. longer-term blasts and that the current medium has proven successful for long term but the vitrification fluid hasn't been studied enough in the long term blasts.

Seriously, sounded like BS then and I still think it's BS.

Of course, I will ask AGAIN this week and that may also be a factor in my decision of whether to transfer 1 or 2.

Eb said...

ohhhhhh so exciting and OMG how many!!! your post has given me such hope. thank you!!

DAVs said...

Those are some rockin' numbers! I'm so happy for you!!

And yeah, keep me in mind with those leftovers one day.... :)

Keep the good news coming!

Sky said...

I will keep you in mind Ashley.

Me said...

Wow! Your donor's ovaries are super stars. Seriously. Isn't she in her late 20s? Like not that much younger than me? (And as old or oder than I was when I began TTC?)

kayjay said...

Are you kidding me??? 39 eggs??? 31 fertilized??? That is WONDERFUL news!!!!!! You're so kind and generous to think about what you're going to do with any extras. I'm so excited to follow along with you and the rest of your cycle. GOOD LUCK!

Lorraine said...

That is a dream fert report! You are a top-notch match-maker - that sperm looooved those eggs!

Sky said...

Me - my donor is actually 31. Thirty-freaking-one and she's done amazing (her last cycle was 7 months ago where she did 1 fertilized egg better). She's amazing!

Lorraine - yeah, isn't it funny that I guess those two had some damned good chemistry (and they don't even know it)! ;)

Kami said...

Wow! That is just great. I hope you get your 2 (one at a time) kids and can help other ladies too. What a great basket of eggs!